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All 5 electric guitar rigs for POD Go
Compressor, overdrive, and effect blocks
Stereo delay and reverb
Pre-arranged “stomp” switches with multiple gain stages & effects mix adjustments
An EQ block dedicated to adding life and realism to the stock cabinet blocks
4 presets—choose between delay, chorus, modulation, or octave effects
4 scenes per preset
Rig 1 - AC GB
“AC GB” is built on an AC30 running through a cabinet with greenback speakers. It has a classic midrangey tone that is very common in modern worship.
Rig 2 - AC Silver
“AC Silver” Is structured around an AC30 with silver alnico speakers. It has a present tone that sits great in a mix.
Rig 3 - Div 13
Built on a Divided by 13 amplifier, with a smooth breakup and slightly less clean headroom. This rig sounds great if you like to push the amp harder.
Rig 4 - Tweed
“Tweed” is structured around a tweed “Bassman” style amplifier. It has a vintage breakup characteristic that sounds great when pushed by overdrive and is very dynamic.
Rig 5 - DLX
This rig is built on one of the most common tube amplifiers today: the Deluxe Reverb. It has a slightly scooped tone and has great clean headroom, while still delivering an epic lead sound when needed.
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