Royalty-Free Music Library

Building the largest catalog of free music for churches that won’t get blocked, flagged or removed.

  • To download songs from the royalty-free music library, sign up for free by choosing the free membership plan.

  • All songs provided by artists in this library are royalty-free. You may freely use these songs for production mediums such as vlogs, podcasts, videos, church services, films, social media content, CDs, DVDs, TV shows, websites, live streams, films, and any other multimedia presentations. This means that these songs can be part of a monetized production and may be used for commercial projects without owing any money to Worship Start, the artists, or the producers who contributed to their project.

    The artists do NOT allow these songs to be used by other music artists in singles, EPs, albums and mixtapes that will be distributed to music streaming platforms such as Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Tidal, etc. and any platform that requires a third-party distributor. These songs are not to be copyrighted. By downloading you agree to the aforementioned terms.

  • The safest way to satisfy the attribution requirement on digital platforms is to include the following information where applicable:

    • Credit the creator/artist

  • Are you an independent artist and want to contribute your music? Get in touch with us.

We need you to contribute!

To achieve our goal of becoming the largest catalog of royalty-free music for the global church, we must rely on independent artists to contribute their work. If you would like to contribute to this initiative, please get in touch with our team!


Where can I use these songs?

You may freely use these songs for multimedia productions such as vlogs, podcasts, videos, church services, live streams, films, social media content, CDs, DVDs, TV shows, websites, radio shows, and any other media productions. This means that these songs may be used for commercial or personal projects without owing money to Worship Start or the independent artists who have contributed their work. In return, we ask that you provide credit to the artists.

  • To download any songs from the royalty-free music library, sign up for free by choosing the free membership plan. Once you’ve logged in, you can download any song that you want.

  • All songs provided by artists in this library are royalty-free. You may freely use these songs for production mediums such as vlogs, podcasts, videos, church services, films, social media content, CDs, DVDs, TV shows, websites, live streams, films, and any other multimedia presentations. This means that this song can be part of a monetized production and may be used for commercial projects without owing any money to Worship Start, the artists, or the producers who contributed to their project.

    The artists do NOT allow these songs to be used by other music artists in singles, EPs, albums and mixtapes that will be distributed to music streaming platforms such as Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Tidal, etc. and any platform that requires a third-party distributor. These songs are not to be copyrighted. By downloading you agree to the aforementioned terms.

  • The safest way to satisfy the attribution requirement on digital platforms is to include the following information where applicable:

    • Credit the creator/artist

    • Provide the title of the work

    • Provide the URL where the work is hosted:

    • Copy and paste the license:
      “This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.”

  • This library exists to help churches and Christian content creators elevate their multimedia worship. If you would like to contribute your music to the library, contact us and ask about getting featured in our library.

    Requirements: Songs must be either instrumental or feature worshipful lyrics, and you must be an independent artist.