Ableton Live Mix Template
Designed by Worship Start Producer, Brandon Lawryshyn
Mix Template Features:
Guaranteed sound improvement for your recordings and streams
32 colour-coded channels of audio processing for every instrument
Custom EQ and compression settings applied to each instrument
Pre-set volume and pan levels
Utilizes all of the stock Ableton plug-ins that you already have
All tracks routed to sub-masters for instrument sections, making it easy to control the whole mix
Additional channels for click, cues and tracks

Get your mix sounding amazing in less time.
Built for mixing in post-production with recorded tracks/stems for live processing during service or recording live off-the-floor, Worship Start’s Ableton Live Mix template makes mixing Worship music stress-free and saves hours of work. We’ve created a template that is completely pre-mixed and cleanly organized for you, using 100% Ableton plug-ins. All you have to do is drag in your stems—or if you’re recording, plug in your main mixer and assign your inputs.

Perfect for your Church Live Stream Broadcast.
Everything is going online. Worship Start’s Mix Template eliminates pre-service stress and saves you hours of time that you would normally spend adjusting settings (or learning how) by instantly making your Worship mix Sunday-ready. Whether you are using an X32 or any other mixing console, this template universally connects to the gear you use, and all you have to do is assign your inputs.

Learn what makes a mix sound great.
Music and Podcast Producer, Brandon Lawryshyn
If you’re a beginner/intermediate sound engineer, or you feel overwhelmed when it comes to mixing, this template is a prime example of how subtle EQ and compression tweaks can enhance your mix significantly. Designed by producer Brandon Lawryshyn, this template can help you learn what adjustments are needed to make a Sunday mix sound great.
Don’t have Ableton? We have mix templates available for Pro Tools and Logic Pro X! If you’re a member, you’ll get access to all of the templates—including all future updates—completely free.