“We exist to help Churches, Worship leaders, Worship teams and musicians achieve higher levels of excellence in their Worship by equipping them with amazing musical resources and practical training. ”
This is what we’re all about at Worship Start. We value musical excellence as something we can offer to God as our Worship. And when it comes down to it, our job as Worship leaders and musicians is to steward that to the best of our ability. In a practical sense, this means that we should always be working on our craft; practicing our instruments, warming up our voice, dialling in that Mainstage patch, investing in new gear, etc. Our goal is to give you resources that meet your needs—for your congregation, for your volunteers, for your studio, for your own practice.
We also value learning and training as an important facet of Worship Start, because we believe learning is another extension of our Worship to God. And Worship directors and leaders know this well; We have to be on our A-game. Songs come in and out of style, instrumentation is always changing (and has changed drastically), teams are always fluctuating, equipment is getting more advanced, congregations are growing and shrinking, and musical cultures never stand still. And even with Covid-19, we have to learn how to shift everything online. There is so much to learn, and we want to support you. Our goal is to equip leaders across the world with training and resources that help them lead their congregations effectively in Worship.